Never be such an expert that you don’t learn new things. Do the hard things. Success is the not linear. Make the impossible look difficult. Technologies Cloud platforms: Amazon Web Service (AWS), Google Cloud Provider (GCP), Azure, SalesForce., Docker / Kubernetes, ISTIO based Service Mesh VMware TAS / Tansu Big Data: S3, BigQuery, Hadoop, MongoDB, …
Data-Blitz Node.js
Data-Blitz Agency Node.js Consultants Data-Blitz uses a Polyglot approach for implementation. In other words, many of the Data-Blitz internal components are implemented using different open source projects, in different processing languages and are executed on separate runtimes. We at Data-Blitz have found that Node.js is best suited to operate in this heterogeneous component environment. Hence, …
Data-Blitz Agency
Data-Blitz Agency Data-Blitz Agency is the consulting arm of Data-Blitz inc; makers of the Data-Blitz processing framework. Data Blitz is a modern data processing platform that greatly simplifies building web-scale applications that can reason against PetaBytes of data, in real-time. The Data-Blitz platform uses and exposes, modern processing techniques in a consistent way. Data-Blitz is …
Data Blitz Academy
Mission: Data-Blitz Academy is a learning institution focused on the core processing techniques, usage strategies and component technologies found and used within the Data-Blitz processing platform. The Academy’s mission is three fold; one as a training and boot camp facility for Data-Blitz internal software engineers, two as a reference and core competency expectation for all …
Separating Data from Processing
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